The Versatility of Infor CloudSuite Distribution (CSD) Software


What is Infor CloudSuite Distribution (CSD)? It’s a cloud service that helps wholesale distributors drive innovation and productivity. You may be concerned that cloud technology is only for large enterprise-sized businesses with impressive budgets, but distribution businesses of varying sizes rely on the cloud to stay ahead in today’s competitive landscape.

It’s imperative to have the tools in place such as Infor CloudSuite Distribution (CSD) that will set your distribution business up for success. Implementing cloud-based software will supply your business with the agility it needs to experience continued productivity, growth, and much more.

NSA is proud to be an Infor partner for many years and Infor CloudSuite is the cloud solution we recommend to all our clients.

In this blog post, we explore the versatility of Infor CloudSuite Distribution (CSD) software and why your business should consider moving to the cloud soon.

Innovate Faster: Cloud-based solutions, like Infor CloudSuite, afford businesses to pursue new business opportunities without adding expensive infrastructure. The innovative and flexible functionality will allow you to quickly and cost-effectively innovate in a way that on-premise infrastructure cannot. For example, you’ll be able to automate previously manual tasks across operations.

Support Expansion: When moving to Infor CloudSuite through a partnership with NSA, we become an extension of your IT team as we help manage and maintain the data center. Not only is it helpful to have a dedicated team to bring about additional knowledge and skills, but it can also cut costs by not having to hire additional staff to manage the data center. This in turn frees up your IT department’s workload, giving them more time to focus on income-producing tasks.

Around The Clock Service: With a cloud solution, you have availability 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. No matter where your teams are located or what device they are using, the cloud will allow them to access your systems so that there is no downtime or lost revenue.

Streamline Compliance: Infor CloudSuite provides your business the means to stay aligned with the latest changes in software, security, and regulations in a simple way. On-premise compliance can be manual, complex, and expensive. Moving to the cloud will automatically push out all necessary compliance to keep your business up to date at all times.

Continue Reading :  Infor CloudSuite Distribution | CloudSuite Distribution
