Looking Ahead: Distributor’s Post Pandemic Technology Investment Plans


There is no denying the effects the pandemic has had on business of all sizes and across all industries. The impacts were devastating to some businesses and unfortunately many are still recovering.

The pandemic forced all distributors — no matter their vertical, geography or end customer profile — to rethink their existing and planned technologies. It made them reassess how they have traditionally served customers and how they should do so moving forward.

Our partner, Infor, teamed up with MDM to understand how distributors will invest in technology post-pandemic. In May 2021, they surveyed more than 200 distributors and manufacturers who sell through distribution and service providers. Here we will break down the findings to help you make strategic decisions for your unique business.

Understanding Current Technology

It is important to understand the goals of the current technology distributors have in place. When surveyed during the height of the pandemic, it was clear that customer service was the biggest priority, even higher than profitability. The study found that 37.9% of respondents use their current technology investment to provide additional value or service to customers while 31.3% said they use it to improve overall customer experience. The survey also found that 15.9% of respondents use technology to improve profitability while 8.4% use it to improve internal communication and cooperation.

This goes to show that the customer truly does go first and in order to survive post-pandemic, it is crucial to meet their needs.


At NSA, we are here to help your unique distribution business catapult into the future. Let us help you make the right technology investments that will increase your efficiency and profits. Count on the NSA Touch to help you with your e-commerce strategy, mobile adoption, and cloud solutions so that you can break away from your competition. Contact us today to learn more.
