When is the last time you did a thorough organizing and cleaning of your files? Start by cleaning your email inbox(es). It’s likely you have a bunch of emails that are unread and just waiting to be deleted. There are probably many emails you can unsubscribe from as well to avoid further buildup. Email storage can take up a lot of space on your device so this is the simplest way to get started.
Next, consider going through your files. Start with your downloads and temporary files and remove what is no longer needed. Go through any saved files to see if they are still relevant or if they can be stored on an external drive. If there are apps or programs installed on your computer you no longer need, be sure to remove those as well. Staying on top of this will ensure your computer is operating in an efficient matter.
For more tips on keeping your systems operating safely and smoothly, be sure to follow along with our blog. As always, if you have any questions don’t hesitate to reach out to our team!
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